Awsome Friends & Some Cake
Upeita ystäviä ja kakkua - Suomenkielinen tiivistelmä löytyy alta.
I have many awesome and dear friends who have helped me in bad times and with whom I've had loads of fun during the past years. Recently I invited some of those amazing friends over for a dinner to celebrate our friendship. We drank bottles of champagne and I cooked them some creme ninon and saffron risotto. For the dessert we had a really tasty cake from Theron Catering.
Photo print on the wall by Marina Ekroos.
Theron Catering offered me to try their cakes so this was more than perfect occasion to use the opportunity. The cake I choose to share with my friends was named Bonnie and it was baked with liqourice and white chocolate with a hint of lemon. I am a big liqourice lover so this cake was just a perfect choice. Everyone just loved it. It wasn't too heavy, actually quite light. Those kind of cakes I like!
The next day the mess in my kitchen didn't look so bad as it was so bright and sunny day.
Theron Catering was so generous that I got another cake as well. We enjoyed that with my family on the Mother's Day.
Scarlett Cake
My niece Sohvi, my sister Suski & me.
Sponsored by Theron Catering.
Upeita ystäviä ja kakkua
Theron Catering tarjosi minulle testiin kaksi kakkua. Ensimmäisen nautin upeiden ystävieni kanssa heidän tullessaan illalliselle luokseni. Toisen kakun tarjosin äitienpäivänä perheelleni.
Kakut tarjosi Theron Catering.