Chydenius Magazine

Chydenius is OP-Pohjola Group's economic magazine. OP Financial Group is one of the largest financial companies in Finland. OP-Pohjola publishes several customer magazines and I used to work as a photo editor for them in 2013-2014. Economic magazine Chydenius was awarded customer magazine of the year 2013 by Edit competition for magazines.


Edit Award 2013 - Customer Magazine of the year

The reasoning below:

“The magazine has found it's own persona. It is a magazine of international standard, that doesn't underestimate the reader, and that trusts that a variety of topics, written in various styles about people's lives bring extra value for the customer. The content acts skilfully to lift current questions of the field for discussion. The usual pitfalls of member magazines - self-appraisal, pretentiousness and preaching from above - have been avoided. Excellent economic magazine in visuals as well as in content.


Chydenius 2013-2014

Chydenius is a customer magazine of OP Financial Group concentrated on economics.